Nitin Gadkari Emphasizes Cost Reduction in Housing Construction

Housing Construction

Shift to Smaller Homes and Innovative Techniques

Union Minister Nitin Gadkari delivered a significant message during his address at the 40th Annual General Meeting of the Confederation of Real Estate Developers of India (Credai) Pune Metro. He advocated shifting the focus from large-sized homes to smaller, more efficient units. He highlighted the importance of embracing new technologies, innovative construction methods, and cutting-edge construction materials to substantially decrease housing costs.

Decentralization for Smart Villages

Gadkari stressed the need for decentralization, suggesting a shift from the concept of “smart cities” to the development of “smart villages” that can seamlessly connect with urban centres through a robust road network. He underlined that housing initiatives should prioritize the majority of the population, as only a tiny fraction can afford homes with price tags exceeding Rs 1 crore.

Applying Innovative Construction Approaches

Drawing from his experience in the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Gadkari cited examples of how innovative construction technology and materials had successfully reduced construction costs for infrastructure projects. He encouraged the adoption of similar concepts in residential construction to make homes more affordable.

Focus on Affordable Housing

While acknowledging the current demand for high-priced homes, Gadkari urged developers to shift their focus and address the housing needs of the common people. He emphasized the importance of not becoming complacent with selling high-priced properties but rather striving to provide affordable housing solutions.

Infrastructure Investment for Pune

In a promising development, Gadkari announced that his ministry would initiate flyover projects in Pune, with an impressive investment of Rs 55,000 crore. This initiative aims to enhance road connectivity and alleviate the strain on existing city infrastructure, promoting the idea of a New Pune.

Union Minister Nitin Gadkari’s vision aligns with the concept of inclusive and affordable housing, emphasizing the role of technology, innovative materials, and a shift in priorities towards the common citizens’ housing needs. Additionally, his commitment to improving road connectivity and infrastructure further supports the development of sustainable urban and rural areas.

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