Lifestyle News #8 | NF World Latest News

Philippines International Travel | Lifestyle News #8 | NF World Latest News

Check out below to read the Top 5 Interesting Lifestyle News of the Week in the NF World Latest News section. In this section, you can read the daily news of Health, Food, Travel and Fashion related Lifestyle News in the week.

Phillipines lifts the restrictions for tourists after more than 2 years

The Philippines relaxed an almost two-year ban on foreign visitors on February 17, 2022, providing a lifeline to the country’s tourism and allied businesses as an omicron-fueled spike subsides.

Foreign visitors from 157 countries with complete vaccination and tested negative for the virus along with visa-free access to the Philippines will be welcomed back. And also, there is no need for them to quarantine upon arrival.

The administration also abolished a risk grading system that barred visitors from the worst-affected countries.

The Philippines implemented one of the world’s longest lockdowns and the harshest police-enforced quarantine restrictions to combat a pandemic. That triggered the country’s worst economic crisis since the 1940s and pushed unemployment and hunger to all-time highs.

According to official figures, more than a million Filipinos lost their employment in tourist firms due to restrictions.

Lifestyle News #8

High body fat and low bone density among men have a correlation: New study

New research from the United States discovered that men with high body fat levels had lower bone density. And they are more prone to fracture bones than their counterparts with normal body fat levels.

Researchers examined the bone mineral density and body composition data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, US (NHANES). The 10,814 participants are all under 60 years old. The research report is according to the Endocrine Society’s Journal study of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

“We discovered that having more fat mass was associated with having less bone density. And these patterns were greater in males than in women,” said Rajesh K Jain, MD, of the University of Chicago Medicine in Chicago, Illinois.

Covid recovered patients may cause Lung damage after months: OxBRC

A prolonged Covid occurs when symptoms, most commonly dyspnea, continue months after the initial infection. According to pilot research, the processes causing breathlessness remain unknown.

Oxford Biomedical Research Centre titled The Investigation of Pulmonary Abnormalities Using Hyperpolarized Xenon Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients with Long-COVID published the study.

The study shows that the red blood cell to tissue plasma ratio was abnormal in NHCL and PHC patients. It also noted that NHLC patients had lower TLco than PHC patients. That shows considerably reduced gas transport in non-hospitalized long-COVID patients when all other tests are normal.

The British Lung Foundation defines TLco as a gas transfer test. That tests how your lungs take in oxygen from the air you breathe.

The picture of pink flowers in a blue vase painting returned to a Jewish family by Belgium family

The great-grandchildren of a Jewish couple have received a painting kept by Belgium‘s finest art museum for 71 years.

Almost five years ago, the family’s Berlin-based law company approached the Musees royaux des Beaux-Arts (Royal Museums of Fine Arts). Workers hauled down the artwork and carried it off to be packed on Thursday, following a short signing ceremony.

“The family is seeking 30 artworks in all,” stated lawyer Imke Gielen. “This is the first true identification because we don’t have any photographs of the lost artworks.”

The picture of pink flowers in a blue vase by Lovis Corinth belonged to Gustav and Emma Mayer, who escaped to Brussels in 1938 and arrived in Britain in August 1939.

Daily exercise can help to prevent from itchy eyes: Study

Physical activity is beneficial to the eyes. The University of Waterloo conducted a study. They observed that partaking in aerobic exercise resulted in a considerable increase in tear secretion and tear film stability, which might be another treatment for dry, itchy eyes.

Every time we blink, our eyes are coated in the tear film, a required protective layer for sustaining proper ocular function. A healthy tear film comprises three layers: oil, water, and mucin, which work together to moisten the ocular surface and protect it from infection-causing irritants like dust or grit.

The journal “Experimental Eye Research” published their research. The title ‘Differential impact of maximum incremental treadmill activity on tear secretion and tear film stability in athletes and non-athletes.’

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