Lifestyle News #7 | NF World Latest News

Check out below to read the Top 5 Interesting Lifestyle News of the Week in the NF World Latest News section. In this section, you can read the daily news of Health, Food, Travel and Fashion related Lifestyle News in the week.
Cyber threats will evolve in 2022: Experts say
In India and abroad, the year 2021 saw a slew of new cybersecurity dangers. The Acronis Cyberthreats Report 2022 is a detailed review of global cybersecurity trends and threats, published on 7 December 2021.
India ranked fourth among Asian countries in 2021 for ransomware detection percentage. Moreover, this is more than doubled in Q3 from Q2 of 2021.
According to the research, ransomware assaults are at an all-time high throughout the world. Moreover, they target hitting large and medium-sized companies and government, healthcare, and other essential institutions.
According to other recent predictions, ransomware is only one of the numerous types of assaults that might create disruptions in 2022.

The Best Diet of 2022: The Mediterranean Diet helps to maintain good health of Kidneys
Researchers have published a new study in the journal Clinical Nutrition. Or in the official journal of ESPEN (The European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism).
The study states that a diet rich in extra virgin olive oil could help preserve kidneys, particularly in people with heart problems. The research included almost 1,000 participants with coronary heart disease.
“The Mediterranean diet is therapeutic and helps heal a lot of health issues,” says nutritionist and lifestyle educator Karishma Chawla. Moreover, whole foods help maintain the function of many organs by balancing blood sugar levels and lowering inflammation. Furthermore, olive oil is highly anti-inflammatory and aids in the healing of the body.”
This therapy for treating insomnia prevents major depression problems
According to a new UCLA Health research, CBT-I treatment reduced significant depression in older individuals over the age of 60 who had insomnia. CBT-I is an abbreviation for cognitive-behavioural therapy.
‘JAMA Psychiatry Journal’ has published the research. In any specific year, more than 10% of community-dwelling persons over the age of 60 will develop severe depression late-life. Late-life depression, particularly in men, raises the risk of health issues such as heart disease and hypertension, mental impairment, and suicide.
Depression, despite its frequency in older persons, frequently goes undetected and untreated. Even among those who receive therapy, only approximately one-third improve or reach a cure.
Symptoms of Omicron variant
The Omicron Covid-19 strain, discovered on November 24, 2021, in South Africa, has been quickly spreading over the world. There have been reports that the symptoms of this variation differ from those of the other SARS-CoV-2 variants.
Conventional symptoms such as loss of smell, taste, and breathing difficulties are uncommon in Omicron instances. Because of these factors, many people see Omicron as a less serious illness, but physicians advise that it should not be taken lightly.
Cough, cold, and fever are frequent Covid symptoms, whether Omicron or Delta. Body pains, muscle soreness, weariness, migraine, sore throat, dry cough, and fever are some of the most frequent symptoms observed in the first few days following infection.
According to doctors, the four most common symptoms of Omicron include a couple of days of fever, a lot of body soreness, a scratchy throat, and occasional loose movements. Omicron’s more obvious symptoms are headache, weariness, and bodily discomfort. Fever with upper respiratory tract illness is the most prevalent symptom among youngsters, says the Union Health Ministry.
Chennai: Marriage reception in the Metaverse
Despite the metaverse’s future reality, this Chennai couple’s planned wedding event has an old-fashioned focus on family. While most brides and grooms are preoccupied with selecting a location, organising wedding feasts, shopping for trousseaus, and other details. Dinesh SP and his fiancée Janaganandhini Ramaswamy are working with a metaverse startup, TardiVerse.
When Tamil Nadu declared a Sunday lockdown, Dinesh and Janaganandhini were forced to limit their reception guest list to 100 individuals. Because they wanted their family and friends to be there, the couple decided to change their plans for the Sunday celebrations.
Using the metaverse as a virtual setting allowed them to invite as many people as they wished; the virtual guest list presently stands at over 2,500. He invited fellow metaverse enthusiast Vignesh Selvaraj, the CEO of Chennai-based business TardiVerse. This leverages blockchain technology to construct meta-spaces, for this event.
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